【近況アップデート】 筑波大学附属病院にて検査、陽子線治療用のマスクを2泊3日の入院にて作りました。
We went to Tsukuba university hospital to prepare for Akari's radiation therapy.
And now she's back in Yokohama to wait till her body gets better to visit home for the first time in almost 2 months
It was long... from the high dose chemo in the sterile room and visiting Tsukuba and staying all alone. She did a amazing job She is definitely a soldier
Next weekend, She should be home for maybe 3 days or so.
Then going to Tsukuba with her mum @mari.japan for 6 weeks.
This time, We have to be careful of mother's health since She's with Akari for 24 hours without not much breaks.
I can't go visit to switch and let her get rest because of Covid...
Akari's side effect is almost none so shouldn't be bad but we will need to worry and take care of mom this time
